Our managing director, Amir Isyam, has been featured in The Star with his thought-provoking article titled “The Key to a Future-Ready Civil Service.” In the article, Amir examines Malaysia’s ambitious...
Our managing director, Amir Isyam, had his article titled “Fairness with Faraid” featured in The Star. In the article, he discusses the staggering RM90 billion in unclaimed properties in Malaysia,...
Our managing director, Amir Isyam, has had his article on the need for a balanced and strategic approach to investments, titled “Towards a Balanced Investment Strategy”, featured in StarBiz7, the...
Check out our managing director, Amir Isyam’s article titled “Unlock ESG for Your Business”, which has been featured in StarBiz7, the premier weekly business newspaper of the Star Media Group...
Concepts of Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) have come full circle in Malaysia. It is now the hottest buzz word in the corporate world and Government sphere in...
For a few months now, I have had several conversations with my peers, partners and clients about the aging megatrend that has affected (and will continue to affect) Malaysia over...
People close to me know that I think a lot about money and retirement. This is especially so when in 2017, I found an article quoting a 2015 Employees’ Provident...
So Covid19 happened and there is now a real possibility of you losing your job. Don’t worry. Where there is crisis, there is also opportunity. Here are some steps for...