Terdapat dua pandangan bertentangan antara kaum Bumiputera mengenai relevansi hak mereka. Secara amnya, pendapat berkaitan hak Bumiputera: Pandangan pertama yang dianggap dari “ultra melayu / Bumiputera”, di mana hak Bumiputera...
Asal usul hak Bumiputera di Malaysia boleh dilihat dari Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia – Perkara 153. Perkara 153 secara ringkasnya menyatakan bahawa Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA) mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk melindungi kedudukan...
Pada pandangan saya, kewujudan hak kaum Bumiputera di Malaysia adalah satu konsep yang akan dicabar dengan lebih kerap pada masa akan datang. Saya menujukan artikel ini kepada golongan Bumiputera. Bagi...
Let’s talk about the plan of Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) to charge RM300 per participant per course for the new microcredential initiative that has the industry riled up. ...
Concepts of Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) have come full circle in Malaysia. It is now the hottest buzz word in the corporate world and Government sphere in...
When we read up about government-linked corporations (GLCs) in Malaysia or state-owned enterprises (SoEs) as known in other countries, it doesn’t take long for one to notice that the opinions...
In conjunction with the Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship (BTAR) application opening for this year, I recently felt called upon to reflect on my own experience as a former BTAR scholarship...
For a few months now, I have had several conversations with my peers, partners and clients about the aging megatrend that has affected (and will continue to affect) Malaysia over...
Over the years, I have had the privilege to assist many organisations and governments with their strategic planning and implementation. While all had prepared great shiny nice documents to detail...